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Join UNA-USA Today!

Since 1946, the United Nations Association of the United States has been dedicated to building understanding of and support for the ideals and work of the UN among the American people. It is only with the continued commitment of passionate supporters that we can continue to educate, inspire and mobilize Americans to support the vital work of the United Nations!

Membership in the UNA-USA

The United Nations Association of the USA (UNA-USA) wants all Americans to understand the vital work of the United Nations. Membership to UNA-USA is your connection to the UN. As a member, you receive exclusive web content, invitations to events at the United Nations, and the U.S. Department of State, and special programming through local Chapters.

UNA-USA members and their Chapters work with their local communities and elected officials to inform, inspire, and mobilize Americans to support the principles and vital work of the UN.

You can print out this page, fill in some details and leave at or mail to the UNA Store.


UNA-Santa Cruz Membership Application Form

Yes! I would like to become a member or renew my membership to the UNA-Santa Cruz.

Membership Category

 $10 Student

 $25 Introductory (first year only)

 $25 Fixed Income

 $40 Member

 $100 Sponsor

 $500 Patron

 $1,000 Lifetime Member

 I wish to become a member of the Young Professionals for International Cooperation

 I wish to volunteer and become involved in UNA-Santa Cruz activities.

Name: _________________________________________________


City:_______________________________________ state:______ Zip:_________________


Phone: _________________________________________________

Payment Options I am enclosing a check/money order payable to UNA-USA in the amount of:



Please return this form, along with your payment to: UNA-Santa Cruz Membership Services

903 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz, California 95060

Or apply online at the link below.

UNA Santa Cruz gets credit for your membership either way!


by UNA Santa Cruz member

Moses Yao

  • UN Day in October
  • Human Rights Day in December

  • International Women's Day in March

  • The Santa Cruz Labor Day Reel Work Film Festival

NEW Board Meeting LOCATION
You are invited to UNA S.C. Board meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at
Resource Center for Non Violence  6:30pm til 8pm
Find the UNA Store
Contact UNA Santa Cruz
at the UNA Store
OR email to:
PO Box 865
Santa Cruz, CA 95061

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